Sunday, June 6, 2010

my second love: biology

The biology is my second love, because my girlfriend will kill me XD. i'm choose the web site of biology by helena curtis, 7 edition. it's a biology book. the web site complement the book's information, it have three sections for visitors, students and theachers. the visitor section have a glossary if we don't know word from the book. also explain new thinks that have this book. In student's section have some diferent options, for exaple, the biology history, animated figures that explain biological process, videos, exercises and you need a password to enter in the section. the truth is i don't know the theacher section. maybe in the future i will enter there.

I visit the websit all weekends, when i want do exercises of biology or i have some questions, also when i don't know a word. that site help me to prepare the science PSU.

I like this website because it's very exiting see the videos, figures, I can understand the biological process, the meaning of the book's word, i use some exercises to put in test, becaus i'm biology teacher in a fundation.

the link of this website is:


  1. The biology is my second love, because my girlfriend will kill me XD. i'm WF choose the web site of biology by CAPS helena curtis, WF 7 edition. it's a biology book. the web site complement the book's information, it have three sections for visitors, students and SP theachers. the visitor section SVA have a glossary if we don't know word from the book. also ^ SVA explain new thinks that SVA have WO this book. In student's section ^ SVA have some diferent options, for SP exaple, the biology history, animated figures that explain biological process, videos, exercises and you need a password to enter in the section. the truth is i don't know the theacher section. maybe in the future i will enter there.

    I visit the websit all weekends, when i want do exercises of biology or i have some questions, also when i don't know a word. that site help me to prepare the science PSU.

    I like this website because it's very exiting WF see the videos, figures, I can understand the biological process, the meaning of the book's word, i use some exercises to put in test, becaus i'm biology teacher in a fundation.

    very interesting and it must be very useful as well. I'll check it out!
    check the corrections ok?


  2. curtis XD jojojo
    i used to use the book in the school
    really help me in my works and essays
    really good link !
    take care max
