Sunday, June 27, 2010

equine medicine

In the future i want working with horses, in medicine, trainer. it's very exiting activity. also they are dangerous,because they are big and heavy animals more that me, and they can scare easily and kick us. if i want horse'job, i have to learn the equine' language, i must understand his behavior, the position of their ears. their eyes.
the horse are a beatiful animals, to be honest maybe they can't understand our vocabulary,
The equine medicine it's dificult specialty in veterinay career, few veterinarian doctors dedicate to this specialty, in university of chile you can take this course.

when you working with racehorses, you must have knoweldge about traumatology, cardiology because it's same that take care an athlete. it's very important the horse' health, some horses are too much expensive, it's a lot of preasure for the doctor by the owner of the horse.
You can be a horse trainer, you must know behavior of horses, it's very hard,a long process, but wonderful job because in the end, the bond between horse and human is very strong. in my opinion the horse can be the best friend of human.

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