Thursday, June 17, 2010


my favorite subjet in this first semester is biochemistry, it's very hard but i don't belive that is imposible. i must study every day to aprove. the biochemistry it's too much important because i can understand a lot of biological prosses of our bodies, that it's very interesting and exiting. Of corse many students hate biochemistry, i don't agree that people because sometimes they don't see the importance in the future in our carrer.
If you ask me, the key to aprove this subjet, you must pai attention in class, but first, you should assint to class!!! if you don't understand somethink, is you obligation ask to teacher . to be honest if you follow my intruction, you can aprove biochemistry with out problems.
I'm like biochemistry because it's related with biology (my second love), some topics of biochemestry are catayst, structure and funtions of biomolecules, to be more precise metabolic paithways that happen in living organism.

may be my classmates don't agree with me, but is my opinion.


  1. buuu biochemistry xD
    but good, everyone with their likes
    a hug


  2. I like Chemistry. But not bio x.X it's very hard!!
    Good luck with the semester =D

  3. my favorite subjet in this first semester is biochemistry, it's very hard but i don't belive that is SP imposible. i must study every day to WW aprove. the biochemistry it's too much important because i can understand a lot of biological prosses of our bodies, that it's very interesting and exiting. Of SP corse many students hate biochemistry, i don't agree that people because sometimes they don't see the importance in the future in our SP carrer.
    If you ask me, the key to aprove this subjet, you must SP pai attention in class, but first, you should WW assint to class!!! if you don't understand SP somethink, is you obligation ask to teacher . to be honest if you follow my intruction, you can aprove biochemistry with out problems.
    I'WW m like biochemistry because it's related with biology (my second love), some topics of biochemestry are catayst, structure and funtions of biomolecules, to be more precise metabolic paithways that happen in living organism.

    may be my classmates don't agree with me, but is my opinion.

    of course is your opinion!! and it's very important uh?
    I agree with you n the sense some students still don't see the importance of certain subjects as a basis in the future...
    be careful with some spellings ok?
