Sunday, June 27, 2010

equine medicine

In the future i want working with horses, in medicine, trainer. it's very exiting activity. also they are dangerous,because they are big and heavy animals more that me, and they can scare easily and kick us. if i want horse'job, i have to learn the equine' language, i must understand his behavior, the position of their ears. their eyes.
the horse are a beatiful animals, to be honest maybe they can't understand our vocabulary,
The equine medicine it's dificult specialty in veterinay career, few veterinarian doctors dedicate to this specialty, in university of chile you can take this course.

when you working with racehorses, you must have knoweldge about traumatology, cardiology because it's same that take care an athlete. it's very important the horse' health, some horses are too much expensive, it's a lot of preasure for the doctor by the owner of the horse.
You can be a horse trainer, you must know behavior of horses, it's very hard,a long process, but wonderful job because in the end, the bond between horse and human is very strong. in my opinion the horse can be the best friend of human.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


my favorite subjet in this first semester is biochemistry, it's very hard but i don't belive that is imposible. i must study every day to aprove. the biochemistry it's too much important because i can understand a lot of biological prosses of our bodies, that it's very interesting and exiting. Of corse many students hate biochemistry, i don't agree that people because sometimes they don't see the importance in the future in our carrer.
If you ask me, the key to aprove this subjet, you must pai attention in class, but first, you should assint to class!!! if you don't understand somethink, is you obligation ask to teacher . to be honest if you follow my intruction, you can aprove biochemistry with out problems.
I'm like biochemistry because it's related with biology (my second love), some topics of biochemestry are catayst, structure and funtions of biomolecules, to be more precise metabolic paithways that happen in living organism.

may be my classmates don't agree with me, but is my opinion.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

my second love: biology

The biology is my second love, because my girlfriend will kill me XD. i'm choose the web site of biology by helena curtis, 7 edition. it's a biology book. the web site complement the book's information, it have three sections for visitors, students and theachers. the visitor section have a glossary if we don't know word from the book. also explain new thinks that have this book. In student's section have some diferent options, for exaple, the biology history, animated figures that explain biological process, videos, exercises and you need a password to enter in the section. the truth is i don't know the theacher section. maybe in the future i will enter there.

I visit the websit all weekends, when i want do exercises of biology or i have some questions, also when i don't know a word. that site help me to prepare the science PSU.

I like this website because it's very exiting see the videos, figures, I can understand the biological process, the meaning of the book's word, i use some exercises to put in test, becaus i'm biology teacher in a fundation.

the link of this website is:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


hi! my name is maximiliano, i`m 18 years old. i study veterinary medicine in the university of chile. i live whith my parents and my sister in maipu. i like sports, listenig every kind of music, but i prefer the salsa and folk music. on monday, i dance cueca in a folk group. i'm love the animals.